Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)

IJCIM Preface to Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)
We are in The "International Journal of Computations, Information and Manufacturing" (IJCIM) proud to announce the publication of the first issue in the volume one of 2021 year. IJCIM is an international forum for scientists and engineers involved in all aspects of computer science and manufacturing technologies to publish high quality, refereed papers.
Recent technologies in the fields of computations, information and manufacturing contribute an important role in our daily operations. These achievements because of dedicated researchers. Researchers from all over the world devoted to computations, information and manufacturing fields and these research results have great efforts in many different fields. Computations, information and manufacturing involves the use of recent technology in computer science, information science to design innovative solutions for various manufacturing industries.
The coverage of the "International Journal of Computations, Information and Manufacturing" (IJCIM) includes Challenges Facing the Application of IoT in Medicine and Healthcare, the Block Chain and Smart Inventory System impact on Supply Chain Performance, Assessment of Smart Home Assistants as an IoT, Blockchain Convergence: Analysis of Issues Affecting IoT, AI, and Blockchain, The Universal Artificial Intelligence Efforts to Face Coronavirus COVID-19, as well as the Renewable Green hydrogen energy impact on sustainability performance..
IJCIM is here to help. Apart from organizations, IJCIM is also serving the academic world, where researchers are participating in generating new ideas every day. IJCIM is providing a platform and a stage to all those researchers and academics to voice their ideas. IJCIM is also for those who are just here as the audience.
This versatile range of articles being published in the first special issue is proof that IJCIM is aimed for high achievements. But the team of IJCIM is highly motivated to make sure that IJCIM achieves great results and reader and viewership within its first year. This can only be done, if the quality of articles is not being compromised at any cost.
IJCIM appreciates all the support that it is receiving from its members as well as from its readers.
Dr. Haitham M. Alzoubi and Dr. Taher M. Ghazal