Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management (IJTIM)

In the times like today where the World is still recovering after more than two years of covid pandemic, all fields of life are drastically affected. Although, in the beginning of pandemic, it looked scary to know that we might never recover from this, but humans know their way out of the trouble, which is why today we have very much recovered as well as developed and innovated through the tragedy.
The editorial board of IJ-TIM are delighted to introduce the second issue of the second volume to 2022 year of the “International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management” (IJTIM). The IJTIM is published by Global Academic Forum on Technology, Innovation and Management (GAF-TIM). The IJTIM aims to bring out the best of quality manuscripts from the field of technology, computation, and information. IJTIM’s focus is on research that brings out the best of technological world that is not only theoretical but is realistically practical.
The second issue of International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management (TIM) of second volume presents six papers on technology and innovation. The theme of the issue shows how the mankind has developed its ways into technology to ease the troubles of life. There is gaming software that have helped into designing new marketing strategies for the products and for leisure purposes. Artificial intelligence is the answer to the questions that are arising in today’s world. Starting from censor technology as we are now at meta-verse era.
This versatile range of articles being published in the second issue of 2022 is proof that IJTIM is aimed for high achievements. But the team of IJTIM is highly motivated to make sure that IJTIM achieves great results and reader and viewership. This can only be done, if the quality of articles is not being compromised at any cost.
IJTIM appreciates all the support that it is receiving from its members as well as from its readers.
Prof. Haitham M. Alzoubi and Dr. Taher M. Ghazal