Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management (IJTIM)

IJTIM Preface to Volume 1, Special Issue 1 (2021)
We are pleased to present the December Issue of the "International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management" (IJTIM) as a special issue entitled ‘contemporary issues in technology, innovation and management’. This special issue is published by Global Academic Forum on Technology, Innovation and Management (GAF-TIM).
It’s always a big challenge to introduce a new journal into the world, especially when the journal aims to publish good quality papers. Moreover, although scholars urged to bring the most of us contemporary issues and many scholars understand this value, we are supporting those kink of scholars. Based on that, "International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management" (IJTIM) aims to provide readers worldwide with high quality peer-reviewed scholarly articles on a wide variety of issues related to Technology, Innovation and Management.
The inaugural special issue1, volume1, of IJTIM includes six articles. In this special issue, the integration of blockchain technology with internet of things and its efficiency is discussed. Information technology competencies and fleet management practices lead that lead to effective service delivery also introduced. The best practice of teach computer science students to use paper prototyping also highlighted. The special issue shed the light on covid-19 detection from CBC using machine learning techniques. As well as, treatment response prediction in hepatitis c patients using machine learning techniques. And finally, the innovative and interactive teaching methods is discussed.
IJTIM is here to help. Apart from organizations, IJTIM is also serving the academic world, where researchers are participating in generating new ideas every day. IJTIM is providing a platform and a stage to all those researchers and academics to voice their ideas. IJTIM is also for those who are just here as the audience.
This versatile range of articles being published in the first special issue is proof that IJTIM is aimed for high achievements. But the team of IJTIM is highly motivated to make sure that IJTIM achieves great results and reader and viewership within its first year. This can only be done, if the quality of articles is not being compromised at any cost.
IJTIM appreciates all the support that it is receiving from its members as well as from its readers.
Dr. Haitham M. Alzoubi and Dr. Taher M. Ghazal