Exploring the Online Leadership Effect on Blended Learning in Educational Institutions: Post-COVID-19 Learning Context


  • Asaad Ali Karam University of Duhok
  • Khaled Younis Alderbashi City University Ajman
  • Dlofan Ameen Salman University of Zakho




Online leadership, Idealized influence, Motivation, Intellectual stimulation, Educational schools, Blended learning


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the transition of administrative and instructional work in schools to an online format. This shift has prompted school administrators to embrace online leadership as a suitable approach during and after the pandemic. Blended learning has been recommended as a sustainable and well-suited solution for educational institutions in the post-pandemic period.

Aims: to investigate the impact between online leadership and the adoption of blended learning in educational settings.

Sample(s): A total of 385 instructors participated in this study. The participants were surveyed using Google Forms to gather their perspectives.

Methods: Structural equation modeling (SEM) and path coefficients analysis were employed to analyze the survey data and examine the attitudes of instructors toward online leadership and blended learning.

Results: The findings indicated that online leadership (OL) exhibited a higher likelihood of being adopted for blended learning (BL) implementation, as revealed by the study results (59%). Instructors demonstrated increased flexibility and readiness to utilize online leadership methods for career advancement in the post-pandemic era. However, it should be noted that the adoption of online leadership measures was primarily driven by the necessity (41%) to maintain continuity in educational practices during the pandemic.

Conclusions: These findings shed light on the significance of online leadership in facilitating the integration of blended learning in schools. The study highlights the adaptability of instructors and their recognition of the potential benefits associated with online leadership practices. The results emphasize the importance of online leadership as a strategic approach for educational institutions in navigating the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Author Biographies

  • Khaled Younis Alderbashi, City University Ajman

    Associate Professor, Department Chair - Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching, City University Ajman – UAE

  • Dlofan Ameen Salman , University of Zakho

    Lecturer, Department of Management Science, College of Administration & Economics, University of Zakho - Iraq


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How to Cite

“Exploring the Online Leadership Effect on Blended Learning in Educational Institutions: Post-COVID-19 Learning Context”, Int. J. TIM, vol. 4, no. 1, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.54489/1k1xsy97.

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